During the winter thaw, indoor upkeep is as important as prepping your garden for spring. Freshen rooms, remove allergens, and brighten the look of these five areas:
- Windows and treatments: While cleaning glass, wipe grime from sills and frames. Take this opportunity to wash drapes and remove dust from blinds.
- HVAC vents: Thoroughly vacuum and dust these areas. If anyone in your household has severe allergies or asthma, consider hiring a professional duct cleaning service to remove buildup that can encourage mould growth and dust mites.
- Furniture and walls: Wipe down walls and use a small brush to clean accent areas where dirt hides. Spot clean hard-to-reach places and previously unseen splatters, crayon markings, and grease marks.
- Carpets and upholstery: Floor coverings need regular attention from your vacuum – sweep up “dust bunnies” and cobwebs from every corner and mop any exposed flooring. Carefully apply sprays or cleaning products to remove stains (after testing in an inconspicuous area). It may also be time for a thorough shampooing – rent a professional machine to sanitize the padding underneath and remove moisture.
- Ceiling Fans: Dust blades before turning them on – otherwise, you might undo all the work you’ve done cleaning the rest of the room! Unseen allergy irritants and mould can reduce a home’s value. Make an annual date to “detail” your house; you’ll keep it in prime condition for years to come.