After a long day at school, you can’t blame kids for wanting to drop their gear at the front door. However, an extra couple minutes of their time will mean the chaotic mess of muddy shoes and backpacks won’t become someone else’s problem. Make it easy by design! The right storage solutions and easy flow of a well-designed space will make putting things away (and finding them again) a breeze. No matter the size of your space, use these tips to get the job done.
Think four seasons to determine your needs: Bulky winter boots, coats and snow pants take up space. Plan for the unexpected with additional space and do not overlook seating to make it easy to put on boots and shoes. How will you tackle wet mittens and scarves? There are many drying solutions on the market that are worth checking out.
Maximize space with built-in solutions: Think vertical to get the most out of your space while also being mindful of kids’ reach. Benches are great. Most offer storage or allow for boots to be stored underneath.
Keep it streamlined with doors: While wet clothing should be hung in a space that allows for air circulation, you can keep your entrance looking great by hiding baskets of mittens and hats behind doors.
Get water savvy: Put a boot scraper outside your door to minimize the amount of snow that gets brought in. Even with durable flooring, use a drip tray to contain melting snow. For rainy days, make sure you have an umbrella stand.
Hooks (and more hooks): To allow for jackets and snow pants to dry quickly, space hooks to avoid considerable overlap.
Protect your floors: Even with a drip tray for your boots, you should protect the floor with a mat or rug if your flooring material is susceptible to water damage or scratches.
Everything has a place: Everyone in your household should have their own space and every item should have a designated place. This will make entranceways stress free, especially for little kids who need more direction.
Integrate clean-up in your design: Frequent sweeping or vacuuming is inevitable given the amount of debris that gets brought in from outside. Make cleaning up a snap by having tools at your fingertips. Make sure your built-in solution has the vertical space for a broom or incorporate space for a hand-held vacuum close to an outlet.
Whatever size you are working with, you can find inspiration online that will allow you to achieve the best solution for your family without sacrificing design or functionality. You can create a personalized space with unique hooks, a bold colour or a fun welcome mat. Good luck with your project!